Saturday, August 16, 2008

Infestation Control Unit

We went out Friday to finish buying the materials for my cabinet (hubby affectionately calls it the infestation control unit). It's coming along nicely. The shelves are in. Still need to make the bins and attach doors. I had an idea to put a peg board on each door to hold stitch markers, needles and other stuff like that.
My shawl is still behaving itself. I have the design for the most part done for a bookmark original design at Peaches & Creme group on Ravelry. There is a contest being held for prizes as well as a chance to have your bookmark featured on the Pisgah website. Also one for a Christmas ornament but doesn't have to be an original design. Prizes awarded in different categories. I have an idea for an ornament just need to knit a swatch to see how it will end up. I've started on another one of Maile's cloth patterns called Embrace Ensemble. I decided to call mine Fairy Tale Embrace for the color of Peaches & Creme yarn that I'm using.
Finished with training as of Thursday. We will begin to use the new system Tuesday morning at work. Monday night will be lots of fun since we will have to get everything done on the old system as quickly as possible to set up the new system. Hopefully most everyone will be done with their work by 9 pm so that we can get our night's work done in about 3 hours. Wants to have it set up b y no later than 12:45 am. They're shutting down the restaurant after the lunch crowd and the bar will be closing at 8 pm, so everything should go smoothly.

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